
Scott Kinney

Vice President, Energy Resources and Integrated Planning

Scott currently serves as Vice President of Energy Resources and Integrated Planning at Avista Corp.  He received his Electrical Engineering degree from Gonzaga University and started his career at the Bonneville Power Administration working as a Transmission Planning Engineer.  Scott started working at Avista in 1999 and has held several senior technical and leadership positions in Transmission and Distribution Planning and Operations and Power and Gas Supply.  Scott previously held the Director of System Operations and Planning position and most recently was the Director of Energy Supply. He has developed extensive knowledge and experience in electric system planning, operations, and markets.

Throughout his career Scott has been actively involved in regional reliability and market coordination efforts including chairing both the Western Electricity Coordinating Council and Northwest Power Pool Operating Committees.  He is the current vice-chair of the Pacific Northwest Utilities Conference Committee.  Scott has also participated in multiple regional organized market development efforts dating back to RTO West in the early 2000s and more recently has been actively engaged in the Western Resource Adequacy Program development to create a regional resource capacity program.  


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